About Us

Don Blevins, Jr. is a native Lexingtonian raised on the west end in Gardenside. He attended James Lane Allen, Beaumont, and graduated from Lafayette High School in 1980.
Don holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Kentucky, and a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.
His early career was in integrated circuit research and development for AT&T Bell Laboratories and the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina. After returning to Kentucky, Don's career continued in software development with various small firms and later with IBM. Don continued in software and systems development with a management position at Perot Systems.
In 2007, Don's political career began when he was elected the 10th District Council Member for the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government. In 2009, he was appointed to fill out the term of the retiring Fayette County Clerk, his father, Don Blevins, Sr.