
Military Discharge
Military Discharge papers, or DD-214's, are recorded in our office. There is no fee to record the discharge papers or to receive a copy of them. These records are not open to the public. A picture ID and in some cases a birth certificate or other documents are required to obtain copies. The following individuals are allowed to obtain copies of the discharge papers:
a) the veteran named in the discharge papers
b) his or her spouse, widow or widower
c) child 18 years of age or older
d) parent
e) grandparent
f) sibling 18 years of age or older
g) a funeral director handling funeral arrangements for the veteran
h) a person with power of attorney for the veteran
i) a guardian, limited guardian, conservator or limited conservator of a disabled or partially disabled veteran named in the discharge papers
Please call our office at (859) 253-3344 if you have any questions about getting a copy of the discharge papers.