
Vehicles FAQ
Q: Will I need insurance for the car I'm buying?
A: YES. Proof of current Kentucky liability insurance is required at the time of transfer. The insurance card must reflect the VIN of the vehicle being transferred, show the new owner's name as the insured, and show the NAIC number or company code. Insurance requirements
Q: Does the seller have to be with me when I transfer the title?
A: NO. If the seller has completed their part of the title in its entirety including the signature and notary, then the buyer may come into our office to transfer the vehicle without the seller. (See Example)
Q: Do I have to let you know if I junk my vehicle?
A: YES. You must surrender your title and license plate to the county clerk's office in order to cancel the record. Not cancelling the record will result in future taxes on a vehicle you no longer own.
Q: Why does my car need an inspection if it's new?
A: All vehicles coming into Kentucky from out of state whether new or used must have a VIN inspection to make sure the paperwork matches the vehicle being registered.
Q: Can I do a transfer of ownership by mail?
A: NO. All transfers must be done in person at the county clerk's office.
Q: Why would I pay usage tax based on the book value instead of what I paid for it?
A: Kentucky House Bill 380 established a minimum taxable value for all motor vehicles. It provides that the value of a used motor vehicle for usage tax purposes would be based on the affidavit of total consideration given, but the taxable value could not be less than 50% of its trade-in value as listed in the automotive price reference manuals (NADA).
Q: How can I get a special plate for my vehicle?
A: Most special plates are available to the general public. If the vehicle is currently registered you must bring the current plate, registration certificate and your proof of current Kentucky liability insurance to the county clerk's office. Click here to see our special plates.
Q: How can I get a personalized plate for my vehicle?
A: A completed personalized plate application must be submitted to the county clerk's office along with a $25 application fee. Click here for more information.
Q: How long will it take to receive my title?
A: Titles are processed by the Department of Transportation and are mailed to the customer within 4 to 6 weeks of application. Expedited "Speed" titles are available in some circumstances for an additional fee. Speed titles are mailed within 4 to 5 days of application.
Q: Do I have to title and register my boat?
A: All motor boats must be titled in Kentucky. Boats that are not operated on public waterways or do not have a motor do not require registration.
Q: Do I have to title and register my trailer?
A: All trailers must be titled in Kentucky. Privately owned and operated trailers used for the transportation of boats, luggage, personal effects, farm products, farm suppliers or farm equipment do not require registration. Trailers used for commercial purposes must be registered.
Q: I received my renewal notice and it states "See Clerk" / "See PVA", what does that mean?
A: "See Clerk" usually means that the registration is expired. You must come to our office to renew.
"See PVA" means that the Property Valuation Office needs more information to properly assess taxes. You must call Fayette County Property Valuation Administration at (859) 246-2722 before your renewal can be processed.
Q: I just got a tax bill for a car I no longer have, what do I do?
A: You need to request cancellation of the registration/title. If the vehicle has been junked, the title and plate must be surrendered to the county clerk's office. If the vehicle has been sold, two affidavits must be completed: "Affidavit for Correction/Exoneration" (62A044) and "Affidavit of Incomplete Transfer" (89FCC-266).
Q: I just got married, how do I update my name on my title?
A: Bring your title, registration, picture identification, and marriage certificate to the county clerk's office room 102 to update your title and registration. The fee is $9.00.
Q: I just moved, how do I update the address on my registration?
A: Bring your registration and picture identification to the county clerk's office room 102 to update your address. You are not required to update the address on the title.
Q: Why do I have to pay taxes on a vehicle I am not operating?
A: Property tax for your vehicles, trailers and boats are assessed by the Property Valuation Administrator on January 1st of each year. You are responsible for property tax for any vehicle registered to you on January 1. This tax is seperate from your registration fee.