
Board of Elections FAQ
Q: What is the County Board of Elections?
A: The County Board of Elections is a bipartisan board charged with the overall responsibility for administration of elections in the county. The County Board of Elections consists of the County Clerk, the County Sheriff, one Republican member and one Democratic member. As Chair of the Board of Elections, the County Clerk is responsible for making sure all election laws mandated by the Kentucky Constitution and the Kentucky Revised Statutes are followed.
Q: What is the difference between a partisan election and a nonpartisan election?
A: Partisan elections are associated with a particular political party. Federal, state and some county elections are partisan elections. Nonpartisan elections are not connected with any single political party. Urban County Mayor and Council elections, judicial elections and school board elections are nonpartisan.
Q: How do I become an election officer?
A: To become an election officer you will need to contact the Fayette County Board of Elections at 253-8352 or 253-8354. You must live in Fayette County. Click on "Working as an Election Officer" for complete details.
Q: What are the election officer positions?
A: At least four election officers serve in every location. In March of each election year, the County Board of Elections appoints two judges, one clerk, one sheriff and in some cases a ballot officer for each location. One judge is a Democrat and one is a Republican. The sheriff, the clerk, and the ballot officer are also from opposite parties.
The clerk is responsible for the roster, checking voter identification and completing required forms. The clerk also picks up the election supplies at the County Clerk's office before Election Day. The two judges are responsible for setting up the voting machines and issuing ballots to voters. If there is a ballot officer at the location, he or she will issue the ballots. The judges also return the election supplies to the County Clerk's office after the polls close. The sheriff is responsible for line management and enforcing electioneering laws within 100 feet of the polling place.
Q: What are the work hours for election officers on Election Day?
A: Election officers must arrive at their precinct at 5:15 A.M. They must remain in the precinct until the last voter in line at 6:00 P.M. has voted and all the equipment has been closed down. After the polls close, the two judges must return the election supplies to the County Clerk's office.
Q: Do I get paid for being an election officer?
A: All officers are paid $230 for serving at the precinct on Election Day. Officers are paid an additional $20 for attending a required training session.
Q: How do I become a candidate?
A: Procedures for qualifying and running for office are established by the Kentucky Constitution and Kentucky Revised Statutes. For information on candidate filing procedures, qualifications for each office, and to access filing forms you may contact our office or visit the website of the Secretary of State.
Q: What are the qualifications to run for Urban County Mayor?
A: Requirements for Holding Office
1. Qualified voter and resident of Fayette County for at least three years prior to filing
2. Must be 21 years old or older
3. Must continue to live in Fayette County, if elected
Q: What are the qualifications to run for Urban County Council?
A: Requirements for Holding Office
1. Qualified voter and resident of Fayette County for at least one year prior to filing
2. Must be 18 years old or older
3. District Offices - must be a resident of the district for at least 6 months immediately prior to filing and must continue to live in the district if elected
Q: What information do I need to run for Mayor or Urban County Council?
A: You will need a PETITION prescribed by the Urban County Charter signed by 100 qualified voters of an individual district for district council, or 100 qualified voters of the county for mayor or council at-large. The petition form is available at the County Clerk's office. Each page of the petition must be signed by the person circulating the petition and the signature must be notarized.