Land Records

How to obtain copies
Land records and marriage records dated mid-1989 to present can be researched at our new online web portal https://fayettedeeds.com. A basic user guide can be found here. Digitized records can be printed or saved directly from the site. An index for earlier records is available through the same site.
If your marriage record is dated mid-1989 to present, you can purchase a certified copy through the site, and it will be mailed to you. Earlier records must be requested in person or by mail.
Copies of any records can be requested in-person during our office hours, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Regular copy charges are $.50/page or $1.00 for plats, , and certified copies are $5.00/3 pages, and $.50/each additional page over 3. If requesting by mail add $1.00 for postage and handling.
Common copy fees are $2.00 for mailing a plat copy, and $6.00 for mailing a certified copy of a marriage license.
You can mail in a copy request with this form, along with payment: Copy Request Form
Please include no more than 2 requests on each form. If you are unable to print the form, please include all information from the form in a written request.
Mail to: Fayette County Clerk, 162 E. Main Street, Room 132, Lexington, Ky, 40507.
We will do our best to fulfill requests within 3 business days, but other mitigating factors, such as recording work load, may delay response.
Please call (859) 253-3344 if you need assistance in determining the cost for a copy of a record.