Land Records

Land Records FAQ
Q: Will you accept digitally or electronically signed instruments?
A: We can accept a digitally or electronically signed instrument for recordation if it is accompanied by a wet-signed certificate from a notary certifying that the printed-out document is a 'true & correct copy of the electronically signed instrument.' See Ky. Revised Statute 382.076
Q: Has your indexing procedure changed?
A: On January 3, 2022, we began indexing as written on the document rather than using our standard abbreviation list and frequent party names. Lists of standard abbreviations and frequent parties can be found here for your reference. Please note that this may affect your search process.
Q: Are you closed for lunch?
A: No - we have staff available to assist customers from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Q: Will you fax or email a copy to me?
A: No. Our office does not fax or email copies of documents. Our new online public portal for land records is now live at https:/fayettedeeds.com. You can print and save documents from this site without a subscription.
Q: Can I obtain the book and page number of a document over the phone?
A: No. We do not give recording information over the phone. You may be able to research the information at our website https:/fayettedeeds.com.
Q: How do I look up records in the land records department?
A: There is an instruction booklett available at the counter. It explains basic search techniques on our in-house system.
Q: Do you have marriage licenses for other counties?
A: No. Each county is responsible for their marriage records. It wasn't until June 1958 that the Vital Statistics Office began centrally storing records for every county.
Q: How do I get a copy of a divorce decree?
A: Divorce records can be found in the Circuit Court where the divorce was granted. For a divorce filed in Fayette County contact the Fayette County Circuit Court at (859) 246-2141.
Q: Does the Fayette County Clerk's Office have a list of foreclosures?
A: No. The Master Commissioner's Office is responsible for the properties that are going to be auctioned. Please contact the Master Commissioner at (859) 246-2117 or www.faycom.info.
Q: Where/How do you transfer a mobile home?
A: Mobile homes are titled like vehicles. Mobile home transfers are completed in the Transfer Department of the Fayette County Clerk.
Q: How do I find out how much I paid in real estate taxes last year?
A: The Fayette County Sheriff collects the current year tax bills. Contact the Property Tax Division of the Fayette County Sheriff at (859) 252-1771 or online at www.fayettesheriff.com. If the tax bill was delinquent (paid after April 16th), contact our office at (859) 253-3344.
Q: Who do I contact if I feel that my property tax assessment is incorrect or I want to claim a homestead or disability exemption?
A: The Fayette County Property Valuation Office is in charge of property assessments. Contact the PVA at (859) 246-2722 or www.fayettepva.com.
Q: How do I get a business license?
A: The Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Department of Revenue is responsible for issuing business licenses. Contact the LFUCG Revenue Department at (859) 425-2255 or www.lexingtonky.gov.
Q: Where do I get a building permit?
A: The Lexington Fayette Urban County Government Department of Building Inspection is in charge of issuing building permits. Contact that office at (859) 425-2255 or www.lexingtonky.gov.
Q: Will your office help me prepare my documents or do you have blank forms?
A: The Fayette County Clerk's Office cannot help you prepare any document nor do we have blank forms. The documents that are brought here for recording must be completely filled out prior to recording.
Q: Do you record a health care power of attorney or living will?
A: No. There is no statutory authority for us to record either of those documents and there is an Attorney General's opinion that instructs us not to record them.
Q: When will you hold the annual tax sale?
A: Go to www.revenue.ky.gov to see the schedule of all the Kentucky counties' tax sales.
Q: Is there a conversion chart for plats with a cabinet number instead of cabinet letter?
A: Yes: Plat Conversion Chart