Land Records

Land Records
The Land Records department is responsible for recording legal documents according to the Kentucky Revised Statutes. Some of the documents recorded in our office are mortgages, deeds, wills, marriage licenses, liens, releases and corporate records. Our records go back to around 1792, the year Kentucky became the fifteenth state. These records can be found in three formats; in books, on microfilm or digitally imaged in our computer system.
Our online web portal for land records 1990 to present is now live. You can search and print records at https://fayettedeeds.com. For web portal support contact BIS Online Services at 866-658-0865. An index for many pre-1990 records can be accessed through the same site, and records will be digitized at a later date.
A basic user guide can be found here. A guide for instructions to find a deed or plat can be found here.
On January 3, 2022, we began indexing as-written on the document rather than using our standard abbreviation list and frequent party names. Lists of standard abbreviations and frequent parties can be found here for your reference. Please note that this may affect your search process.
Current recording effective date is current date.
See https://fayettedeeds.com Land Records Search for current 'verified-through' date & time.
The Fayette County Clerk's Office is now accepting e-recordings through CSC, ePN, and Simplifile.
Location: Room 132
Hours: Copies & Inquiries 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Recording window closes at 4:00 p.m.
Copy fees are $.50/page and $1.00/plat. Cash, credit cards, or checks are accepted.
Phone number: (859) 253-3344 Land Records Department
Mailing address:
Fayette County Clerk
162 E. Main St, Rm. 132
Lexington, KY 40507