
Military and Overseas Voters
Military personnel, their dependents, and citizens who live overseas (temporarily or indefinitely) are permitted to cast an absentee ballot in one of the following ways:
1.The qualified voter may cast his/her ballot during the in-person absentee period if the voter will be absent from the county on Election Day, or if the voter learns he/she will be confined to a military base within the county on Election Day.
2.The qualified voter may apply for an absentee ballot that may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to the voter at his/her request.
Qualified voters may apply using the State Board of Elections Military and Overseas Voters Portal or by submitting a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). All applications must reach our office seven (7) days prior to the election. The ballot must be returned by mail and reach our office no later than 6:00 p.m. on Election Day.