
Voter Registration FAQ
Q: If I have a driver's license am I automatically registered to vote?
A: Not necessarily. You have the opportunity to register to vote when you visit the driver's license office, but you will only be registered if you fill out and sign a registration card before the date the books close.
Q: Will I receive a voter registration ID card when I register to vote?
A: No. We do not issue voter registration ID cards. You will receive a confirmation post card in the mail shortly after you register or change your address. This card will confirm your new precinct information and list your voting location.
Q: Do I need to take anything with me when I go to the polls?
A: You will need to show identification before voting. Kentucky law requires one of the following forms of identification:
1. A document issued by the State of KY containing the voter's name and photo
2. A document issued by the United States containing the voter's name and photo
3. A document issued by the U.S. Department of Defense, any branch of uniformed services, Merchant Marines, or KY National Guard containing the voter's name and photo
4. A document issued by a public or private college, university, or postgraduate technical or professional school located in the U.S. containing the voter's name and photo
5. A document issued by any city government, county government, urban-county government, charter county government, consolidated local government, or unified local government, located in KY containing the voter's name and photo
If a voter does not have one of the documents above he/she may complete an affidavit and present one of the following:
1. Their social security card
2. A state board of elections approved county ID card
3. Any ID card displaying the voter's name and photo
4. A food stamp identification card, electronic benefit transfer card, or supplemental nutrition assistance card issued by KY displaying the voter's name
5. A credit or debit card displaying the voter's name.
Q: I am a student. Do I vote here or in my home county?
A: Students have the choice to stay registered in their home county or to register in the county where they are attending school.
Q: How often do I need to re-register?
A: You do not need to re-register unless you move out of the county and then return. Keeping your address updated with our office and voting regularly will keep your registration active.
Q: What should I do if I change my name?
A: You will have to complete and sign a new voter registration card. You may do this by mail, on-line, or in person at either the county clerk's office or the driver's license office.
Q: Are seventeen year olds eligible to vote?
A: Seventeen year olds may register and vote in primary elections as long as they will be eighteen by the date of the next general election.
Q: I previously had a felony conviction. Can I still register to vote?
A: Convicted felons must have their voting rights restored before they can register to vote. You may contact your local parole office or go to www.corrections.ky.gov to obtain an application for Restoration of Civil Rights.
Q: What should I do if I move?
A: Moves within the county: Update your address with the county clerk in person, on-line, or in writing, or change your address at the driver's license office. If you have not done this before Election Day you may still cast your ballot. You must go to the location that serves your new address on Election Day to vote and update your registration address at that time.
Moves outside of the county: Registration books close 28 days before each election. If you move to another Kentucky county you must register in your new county before the books close in order to be eligible to vote. If you move during the 28 day period that the books are closed, you may return to your previous county to vote in that one election only. You will need to change your registration to your new county as soon as the registration books reopen.
Q: How do I change my party affiliation?
A: You may change your party affiliation at anytime; however, you must change your affiliation between the date of the primary and December 31st of the current year in order to be eligible to vote in your new party's next primary election. If you change your affiliation between January 1st and the primary election date, you will only be able to vote in the nonpartisan primary races.
Q: If I am not registered as a Democrat or a Republican may I vote for any democrat or republican candidates of my choice in the May Primary?
A: No. If you are registered with a political group or organization, or as an Independent, you cannot vote in any of the partisan races, but you may vote in all nonpartisan primary races. The nonpartisan offices include urban county mayor, urban county council, school board, soil and water conservation, and all judicial offices. In the GENERAL election in November you may vote for any candidates of your choice regardless of party affiliation.
Q: What hours are the polls open? Can I go to a precinct near my office instead of the one where I live?
A: On the primary and election day the polls are open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. You MUST be in line by 6:00 pm in order to vote. All voters must vote in the precinct that serves their current residential address on election day or at any public library vote center.
In-person absentee voting will be held the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before each primary and election. On these days voters may vote in any location specified as a county-wide vote center.
Q: Is voter registration proof of residency?
A. No. Your voter registration information only proves the date you registered to vote in the county.
Q: When I register to vote in Fayette County does that automatically delete me from the voter rolls elsewhere?
A: If you were registered in another county in Kentucky, you will automatically be deleted from your previous county. If you were registered in another state, you will need to contact that state to be deleted from their rolls.
Q: I am moving out of the state and want to register in a new state. How can I be removed from the registration rolls here?
A: Make your request to be removed from the rolls in writing to the county clerk's office or contact the State Board of Elections.
Q: What if I need assistance at the polls?
A: Voters who qualify for assistance at the polls may be assisted by anyone of their choice except their employer, agent of their employer, union head, or agent of their union. If the voter does not bring anyone with them, two election officers (one of each party) may assist the voter. The following people may receive assistance at the polls:
1. Voters who cannot operate the machine due to a physical disability
2. Voters who are blind or visually impaired
3. Voters who are unable to read English