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Personalizing a License Plate
The personalized plate cannot conflict with the State number/letter system nor be offensive. The customer has the option of ordering a "new" plate each year or renewing with a decal only.
Applications for personalized plates must first be approved by the Department of Motor Vehicle Licensing. Visit drive.ky.gov for more information and to request approval for a plate.
Once an approval letter is issued, submit said letter with the $25.00 application fee and the Application for Personalized License Plate (TC96-342) to the clerk's office.
What you will need:
Application for Personalized License Plate (TC96-342), complete and signed.
Approval letter from the Department of Motor Vehicle Licensing. drive.ky.gov
$25.00 - Application
Annual renewal fees vary
To process by mail, send to:
Fayette County Clerk
162 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Paperwork may be dropped off in the grey drop box beside our 2nd level entrance in the Helix garage. Be sure to include your mailing address and a way to contact you (email address and/or phone number).