Land Records

Copy Request
The records in our office are public records with the exception of Military Discharge Papers. Our office is unable to perform title searches or conduct research for customers.
ONLINE RECORDS: Our land and marriage records from 1990 to present are available through our online public portal at https://fayettedeeds.com. You can print copies of digitized land records from this site, or purchase a certified copy of a marriage license that will be sent by mail.
OLDER RECORDS: For older records, there are 2 methods to request copies:
1) You may come to our office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to obtain copies in person. Copy charges are $.50/page and $1.00/plat, and only cash or check are accepted.
2) You may mail in a written request and payment to our office. The written request must state what type of document you want along with any necessary information pertaining to the document that would assist us in locating it. Please include a return mailing address on the request and allow up to 3 business days for processing.
A Copy Request Form may be downloaded for your convenience.
Copy Cost for a recorded document:
Photocopy - $0.50 per page
Certified copy - $5.00 for the first three pages and then $0.50 per page after that
For a plat:
Photocopy - $1.00
Certified copy - $5.00
For a marriage license:
Photocopy - $0.50 per page
Certified copy - $5.00
*If requesting a copy by mail, include an extra $1.00 for postage and handling.
Methods of payment: In person, our office accepts cash, credit cards, cashier's check, certified check, business check or money order. Personal checks are accepted for mail-in requests only and must have all the information pre-printed on the check. Counter checks are not accepted. Make checks payable to Fayette County Clerk.