
Option Agreement KRS 382.090
These documents grant a party the option to purchase real estate for a specified period of time.
The document requires:
• First party (KRS 382.200)
• Second party and their mailing address (KRS 382.335 & 382.200)
• Legal description (Sometimes only the address is given, but the legal is preferred.) Common Law & OAG 81-100
• Preparation statement (KRS 382.335)
• The clerk shall request a return mail address (KRS 382.240)
• The document must be signed by the grantor and the signature must be notarized. KRS 382.090 & 382.130
382.090 RECORDING OF OPTIONS OR OFFERS TO SELL: Any option or offer to sell real or other property, or any interest therein, when acknowledged or proven as deeds are required to be, may be recorded in the county in which the property is situated, in the same offices in which deeds are recorded, and in a separate book kept for that purpose, and the record of all such recorded options or offers to sell, shall, from the time of lodging them for record, be notice of such contracts to all persons.