
Will Out of State
The recording requirements for an out of state will are as follows: Before recording an out of state will, the county clerk or deputy must insure the will has been processed through the KENTUCKY probate court in their county and has a certificate of probate from their county. The will must be an authenticated or exemplified copy of the will and include the probate certificate from the resident state. The Kentucky probate certificate is required along with the authenticated copy of the will and certificate of probate (from the resident state) to be recorded in the county clerk’s office. KRS 394.150
The clerk may record an out of state will that was probated and recorded in another Kentucky county, if an attested or certified copy of the will and order of probate from the County Clerk in the county where the will was originally filed is presented, (KRS 394.300 and OAG 94-48). The County Clerk shall retain the original copy of the will permanently.