
How To Get A Notary Signature Certified
For our office to certify a signature, the notary must be commissioned in Fayette County. The notary must sign exactly the same way as they signed on their commission paperwork (i.e.- signed as Mary J. Smith, cannot notarize as M. Jane Smith).
The notary must include an acknowledgement statement identifying the signatory and the date of the document, and this statement must be written in English. The body of the document can be in another language. As of January 1, 2020, a notary may also certify that a document is a 'true and correct copy'.
You may visit our office in-person during regular office hours to request a certification. You may also mail your document to our office, or drop it in our document drop-box in the Helix Garage, 162 E. Main Street, and we will return it to you by mail.
The fee is $5 per notary signature that we certify, payable by cash, check to Fayette County Clerk, or money order.
Our mailing address is Fayette County Clerk, 162 E. Main Street, Room 132, Lexington, KY 40507. We are happy to forward your document on to the Secretary of State's Office if you include the stamped envelope and instructions.