Renew Registration

Renewal of a Kentucky Registration (Mail in or office visit)
What you will need:
- Original Certificate of Registration (Photocopies are not acceptable)
- Proof of current Kentucky liability insurance
- If the original registration is not available, the current registered owner must sign an Affidavit for Replacement and have their signature notarized. There will be an additional $6.00 fee for the replacement. (If notarized outside our office - $3.00) (TC96-167)
Add $2.00 postage and handling per registration for mail in renewal.
Any delinquent property tax owed may prohibit registration renewal.
Vehicle registrations are renewed yearly. Vehicles generally expire in the owner's birth month with the following execptions:
Commercial Vehicles 14,000 lbs and greater - expire in March
Trailers - expire in March
Boat trailers - expire in April
Motor Homes - expire in March
Disabled plates - expire in July
Special Plates - vary
Boats - expire in April
The Department of Revenue mails a courtesy notice in the month prior to expiration showing tax and registration fees due.
To process by mail, send to:
Fayette County Clerk
162 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Property Tax
Property tax for your vehicles, trailers and boats are assessed by the Property Valuation Administrator on January 1st of each year. You are responsible for property tax for any vehicle registered to you on January 1.
Taxes are collected upon renewal or registration change. If a vehicle is transferred prior to renewal, the January 1st owner is responsible for the taxes on that vehicle.