Buying, Selling, or First Time Registering a Vehicle in KY

Vehicles Leaving Kentucky to be Retitled in Another State
What you will need:
If you are moving out of state or assigning your Kentucky title to an out-of-state resident/business, the following documents and information are required to cancel your Kentucky record:
1. A completed Affidavit for Correction/Exoneration (62A044) or proof your vehicle has been titled or registered in another state.
2. Payment of any existing property taxes
To process by mail, send to:
Fayette County Clerk
162 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
NOTE: If your vehicle was registered in Kentucky on January 1st of the current tax year, you are responsible for the taxes.
Paperwork may be dropped off in the grey drop box beside our entrance on the 2nd level of the Helix garage. Be sure to include your mailing address and a way to contact you (email address and/or phone number).